winston ai review

Alright, folks. Winston AI. Heard of it? It’s this shiny new toy that claims to spot AI content. Not bad. But, like every tool, it’s got its highs and lows. In today’s read, we’re going under the hood. We’ll break down how to handle Winston, what it’s got going for it, and where it stumbles.

Then? We’re putting it in the ring with the heavyweight, Originality AI. Sounds epic, right? 15 tests each. Winston. Originality. Who’ll reign supreme? And yeah, I know. “Is Winston even worthy of being called a titan?” Hang tight. We’ll see if it bags that badge from yours truly, Alex Kosh. Everyone’s certain Originality’s a big deal. But is it all talk? We’ll see.


Winston AI ranks third on my list of the best AI detection tools. After testing 14 tools—both paid and free—I selected the top three premium tools and two free ones.

Quick Peek at the Playbook:

  • 15 tests. Each tool.
  • Content breakdown: 5 pieces by ChatGPT without a nudge. 5 with a little prompt action. 5? All me. Pure, unadulterated Alex Kosh originality. The kicker? I know which piece is which. Objective evaluation, check.

30 tests in total. Madness? Maybe. Dedication? Absolutely. Why? For you, the ever-curious reader.

Not only will we be squaring off the detection chops of Winston and Originality, but we’ll also be sizing up their capabilities side by side. Curious about which one ticks your boxes? Stick around.

Got that Whiskey and Coke? Comfortable? Dive in. Let the battle begin.

Meet Winston AI — Your New AI Content Detector

Winston AI vs Originality AI

An AI content detector. Simply put. Nah, just pulling your leg. It’s a recent player, burst onto the scene, think around Feb 2023. It’s game? Sniffing out AI content. Usual suspects: ChatGPT, Jasper, Copy AI, LongShot.Ai. You name it, it’s got it covered.

Here’s the lowdown

AI Content Detection

Winston, the AI whisperer. Detects AI-generated content like a pro. Anything from ChatGPT,, RYTR, And boy, is it accurate.

Plagiarism Detection

That’s not all. Winston’s got a keen nose for plagiarism. Making sure content is fresh, not some reheated leftovers.

Document Organization

Winston’s your personal librarian. Keep those documents and files in check. Tag, sort, retrieve, easy-peasy.

Multiple File Formats

Just paste your text, hit scan. Or, upload .docx, .pdf, .png, .jpg. Oh, and it reads handwriting too, thanks to OCR tech.

Detailed Results

Gives you the odds, 0-100. Human or AI? Also, roots out plagiarism, complete with a hit-list of copied content. Neatly packed in a print-ready report.

Flexible Pricing

Got you covered, whatever your budget. Freebie plan for up to 2,000 words. Shell out $18 a month, and you’re golden for 80,000 words. Extra perks: printable reports, priority support. Need more? They’ll tailor it for you.

Overall Rating:
4.8 / 5

Winston AI Strengths

  • Affordable: Wallet-friendly, it’s got you covered. Monthly bill is $18 — boils down to $0.02 (or $0.0225 if we’re nitpicking) per 100 words. Opt for the annual plan? You’re shelling out just $12 monthly or $0.015 per 100 words.
  • Comprehensive Reports: Go premium, get the whole package. Originality, plagiarism, readability – the trifecta, right at your fingertips.
  • No Strings Attached Free Trial: Take it for a test drive, free of charge. No need to whip out that credit card.
  • Help Is A Click Away: Stuck? Hit them up, via chat or email. Fast, reliable support.
  • Speedy: Fast and efficient, doesn’t skip a beat.

Winston AI Weaknesses

  • No Chrome Extension: No browsing bliss.
  • No Credit System: No roll-over benefits. It’s a use it or lose it deal. Any unused quota? Poof! Gone with the wind.
Try Winston AI for free

Starts at $18/month

Winston AI: My Personal Take

First up, the good stuff. Responsive support takes the cake. Freshly signed up for a trial, I pinged support, asked for a little boost — 8,000 words to give the tool a proper workout. They hooked me up with 20,000. Hey John, you’re a champ! Might seem trivial, but not to me. Barely a blip on the digital radar, and I’m getting the VIP treatment.

Registration’s a breeze. Go old school, email and password. Or ride the social wave, Google or Facebook. I hitched a ride with Google.

Winston Ai registration

Once in, it’s a simple layout. Main panel on the left, options aplenty: Quick Scan, Dashboard, Projects, Documents, Usage.

Winston AI Dashboard

Check out your word balance, plan details:

Winston AI free trial

And voila, a blank canvas smack dab in the middle. That’s your future project space.

Winston AI projects

Don’t miss the chat window at the bottom. Speaking of which, here’s a receipt of my word gift from John:

Winston AI credits from John

I’ve taken a small bite already, so it’s not the full 20,000. Days added too, courtesy of John. So you get 2,000 free words, 7-day trial. Plenty of time. Best part? No credit card info required. Ever been blindsided by a forgotten trial morphing into a subscription? Not on this watch.

Let’s tour the left panel:

Quick Scan: a nifty tool for a swift text scan.

Winston AI Quick Scan

Dashboard: Your project hub.

Winston AI Dashboard

Projects: Sort through projects by Title, creation date, Date modified, and Favorites.

Winston AI Projects

To christen a project, scan a document, hop over to Projects, sort by name, and voila, you’ve got renaming rights. Click on the three-dot icon on the right, hit Rename. Easy peasy. Comes in handy when you’re juggling multiple docs under the same category:

Winston AI rename a project

Documents: Navigate through your scanned docs. Sort by Title, creation date, Date modified, and Favorites.

Winston AI Documents

Usage: A tally of your word credits. Hover over the relevant column, on the right date.

Winston AI Usage

Did you really need a rundown? Who knows, but there you have it.

Putting Winston AI to the Test

The drill? Whip up an article on ChatGPT, copy, click “Quick Scan”, paste, hit “Scan text”, hold tight for a few seconds, and there’s your result. Here’s the play-by-play, in pictures:

And voila, the good stuff: human score, plagiarism score (not in sight for me, because despite the generous 20,000 credits, I’m still on the trial plan), and readability score. All-in-one, neat and tidy. Unlike Originality, no option to pick and choose. Is it a hit or miss? Let’s put a pin in that. Scroll further, there’s the AI prediction map, red flags for confirmed AI, yellow for potential AI:

Winston AI prediction map

Reports and plagiarism results up for grabs next. Both off-limits to me, as a free-plan user. But you get the gist.

Now here’s a head-scratcher. Text’s 506 words, two sentences flagged as AI, and it’s a 57% human score. To make sense of it all, here’s the official guide.

A quick digest for those short on time:

Winston AI’s honed on heaps of data from popular AI text generators, like GPT-4, GPT-3, ChatGPT, Jasper, Copy AI, Open Assistant, to name a few. Packs a 99% accuracy punch distinguishing AI from human text.

Detection hinges on linguistic analysis and comparison with known AI-generated texts. The former delves into text attributes like semantic meaning and repetition. Key metrics: perplexity and burstiness. Perplexity gauges AI language model proficiency and helps pick out AI vs. human text. Lower perplexity, higher chance of AI. Burstiness is all about AI’s penchant for rehashing words and phrases, a dead giveaway of AI authorship.

Winston AI dishes out a “Human Score” estimating the odds of a text being AI vs. human-made. It’s grounded in data from all generative AI tools, linguistic analysis, perplexity, and burstiness.

Add to that, an AI prediction map analyzing text predictability, highlighting words based on their probable appearance. Works independently from the Human Score, but provides additional insights.

And the cherry on top, the Flesch-Kincaid Readability Score, gauging text readability. A handy tool for writers to match their content to their audience’s accessibility.

Originality also throws curveballs, with a couple of sentences painted red but the human score lingering around 50%. Time for more tests. And I think I’ve covered the interface enough. Now, for the big showdown. Originality AI vs. Winston AI. Buckled up? I’m not. This one’s gonna be a roller coaster.

Winston AI vs Originality AI: The Showdown, 30 Trials Lined Up (15 for Each Tool)

So, here’s the roadmap for crowning our champ:

  1. Whip up 5 unique articles on ChatGPT (off the cuff, first round).
  2. Push ’em through Winston AI, keep an eye on the human score (since Originality’s plagiarism and readability checks are optional extras).
  3. Repeat with Originality.
  4. Weigh up the scores.

Rinse and repeat, twice more. Round two, we get ChatGPT to work with prompts. Final round, it’s my turn to write, 100% human input. Both tools get to run the gauntlet. The goal? Pinpointing their success rates. And then, we stack up the main features and prices. Ready, set, go!

Round 1:

Here’s our topic list for the first round (no prompts):

  1. “ChatGPT’s Favorite Recipe”: A tongue-in-cheek take on ChatGPT crafting a recipe. Pizza topped with chocolate sauce, anyone?
  2. AI in Love: Imagine AI catching feelings. Siri and Alexa a couple? What about Cortana?
  3. “ChatGPT’s Dream Diary”: Peek into AI “dreams”, ChatGPT style.
  4. “ChatGPT’s Favorite ‘Pets’”: ChatGPT’s pet picks? Antivirus? Firewall? Let’s see!
  5. “ChatGPT’s Dream Job”: Weaving a comical tale of ChatGPT’s dream gig, if it were human.

First article, let’s go:

Results: Winston AI and Originality AI both scored 7% human content, 93% AI. Next!

Article #2.

Results: Winston AI pegged it at 1% human content. Originality AI called it 100% AI. A wash, essentially.

Article #3.

Results: Both tools on the same page — 1% human content.

Article #4.

Results: Winston AI — 3% human content. Originality AI — 1% human content. Not a big gap.

Article #5.

Results: Winston AI — 5% human content. Originality AI — full-on AI. Bit of a stretch, but 5%? Acceptable in my book. Less than 10% error margin works for me. Plus, Winston AI’s test coverage seems to trail Originality AI’s.

Takeaway. Winston’s performance held steady, no major missteps. I won’t dwell on Originality, I know it’s solid. Both tools can tell AI content from human, spot on.

Round 2

Here we come. ChatGPT’s still at the wheel, but this time with prompts.

This time, we’re serving up articles with a twist of prompt. The menu:

  1. AI Pet Trainer: A madcap ride into the world of AI pet training. What happens when dogs start barking in binary?
  2. Robo-Fashion Police: Envisioning AI as your personal stylist. A runway success or fashion faux pas?
  3. AI’s Worst Nightmare: Diving into AI’s “nightmares”. Overheated processors? Power cuts? Too much human interaction?
  4. ChatGPT’s Misadventures in Time: Taking a whimsical tour through history and future with ChatGPT at the wheel.
  5. The Ultimate AI Prankster: Exploring an AI playing pranks. Good fun, or the making of a “Terminator” flick?

Sprinkled some humor on the topics for a dash of fun. Well, at least for me.

prompt for each article

Act as a pro blogger. The tone of voice: a perfect blend of casual and professional. Spice your vocab with one-word sentences. Vary sentence structure. Sprinkle a bit of humor throughout your content. Enhance readability.

Test 1:

Results: Winston AI — 68% human, Originality AI — 100% human.

Seems like my stripped-down prompt worked wonders. Been seeing YouTubers cooking up half-page prompts. Overkill, if you ask me. Check out this article (Expert Tips for Human-like Writing with GPT-4) where I delve into it. Simplicity’s key. Feel free to take my prompt for a spin, tweak it to your style.

Results? Originality AI’s full score’s a little off. Some parts are in dark green (potentially 16% AI). Some in bright green. The math’s a little fuzzy, but you see the picture. Winston AI, on the other hand, cut to the chase, 68% human. Closer to the truth? But hey, I had a hand in this masterpiece.

Let’s cut the self-praise and move on.

Test 2:

Results: Winston AI — 28% human, Originality AI — 99% human.

Well, well, things are heating up. Winston AI’s playing hardball! Just 28% human. But hey, let’s not jump the gun, plenty of tests ahead.

Test 3:

Results: Winston AI — 52% human, Originality AI — 97% human.

Starting to feel like Winston AI’s got the upper hand spotting AI content. Or does it? On we go.

Test 4:

Results: Winston AI — 45% human, Originality AI — 4% human.

Interesting. Winston AI’s still hovering around the 50% mark. Originality AI seems to have caught on to my repeat prompts. Just kidding. Here’s the deal: ChatGPT’s not equally adept at every topic, even with the same prompt. And Originality’s clued in on that. One last test for this round.

Test 5:

Results: Winston AI — 19% human, Originality AI — 0% human.

Well, that was a letdown. ChatGPT was shooting in the dark, no context. With a bit of guidance, the output could’ve been better.

Round 2 summary: Originality’s performance didn’t surprise me. ChatGPT’s hit and miss approach is understandable. It’s not sentient, after all. The takeaway? You can’t expect a one-size-fits-all prompt. Lesson learned.

As for Winston AI, it never bought into the 100% human story, nor did it drop to zero. Your call. Round three’s up next: My original content.

Round 3

Now, I’ll pluck pieces from my own writings, and let’s see if Winston AI and Originality AI have any false positives to spill.

Test 1:

Results: Winston AI — 87% human, Originality AI — 100% human.

Can’t complain. Originality AI sometimes tags my content as part robot (it does get it right sometimes, truth be told). Winston’s take: 87% human. No sign of AI, but still not a full score. Odd, but we’ll roll with it.

Test 2:

Results: Winston AI — 99% human, Originality AI —100% human.

Splendid! Both tools recognize my handiwork, all me. Winston AI, just a percent shy. Acceptable.

Test 3:

Results: Winston AI — 79% human, Originality AI —100% human.

Winston AI can’t detect any AI handiwork but only gives me a 79% human score. False positive? Jury’s out on this one.

Test 4:

Results: Winston AI — 54% human, Originality AI —100% human.

Okay, you got me. I do remember this one, not entirely my writing. I set the stage, described the tone, and let AI take the wheel. Let’s correct that. So, Originality AI gives it a 100% human score. Look closer, you’ll see some text in orange. Hover over, and you’ll get a hint, possibly 86% AI. Winston AI’s verdict: 54% AI.

Test 5:

Results: Winston AI — 94% human, Originality AI —100% human.

The results speak for themselves. Checked 15 pieces of content, each tool. Winston AI never gave my content a full score, not once. No biggie. Three rounds in, can’t declare a clear winner. Let’s size up their features next.

Winston AI Important Update (at least for me)

Before, I didn’t like Winston because it didn’t color-code the results. But now it does, just like Originality AI:

Winston AI color code update

When you run text through Winston, here’s what the colors mean:

  • Red text — probably written by an AI.
  • Yellow highlighted text — might be from a robot.
  • Green text — most likely written by a human.

So, if you see red or yellow, that means a robot could have written that part. Green shows it came from a real person.

The colors help you spot quickly where AI or humans wrote. No more guessing!

I like how Winston marks robot versus human stuff with easy colors now.

Winston AI vs. Originality AI: A Feature Comparison

Alright, let’s dive into the feature pool for each tool.

FeatureWinston AIOriginality AI
Free TrialOffers a free trial with 2000 wordsCounterpunches with 50 credits (5000 words) with the Chrome extension
Chrome ExtensionNo extension in sightHas a Chrome extension
Credit Card for Sign-UpGets you started without a credit cardNeeds those digits
Detection FeatureOnly flags sentences longer than 60 charactersHighlights full text potentially AI-written, drops a percentage score for confidence
API IntegrationUpdate: Now, Winston AI has itHas API integration
Team AdditionUpdate: yesYes
Language SupportMultilingual (English and French)UPDATE: Multilingual now (15 languages)
OCR TechnologyHas OCR technology to check scanned images for AI contentNot so much

Pricing Showdown

Feature/ServiceWinston AI (Monthly)Winston AI (Yearly)Originality AI (Pay-as-you-go)Originality AI (Base Subscription)
Payment TypeMonthlyYearlyOne-timeMonthly
Free PlanUp to 2,000 Words ScanUp to 2,000 Words ScanN/AN/A
Essential Plan Price$18/month$12/month (Billed $144/year)N/AN/A
Advanced Plan Price$29/month$19/month (Billed $228/year)N/AN/A
Elite Plan Price$49/month$32/month (Billed $384/year)N/AN/A
Cost per 100 Words$0.02 (plagiarism and readability checks included)$0.015 (plagiarism and readability checks included)1 Credit ($0.01 if bought additionally; plagiarism and readability checks ARE NOT included)1 Credit ($0.01 if bought additionally; (plagiarism and readability checks ARE NOT included))
Credits GivenThey give words, not creditsThey give words, not credits30002000
Services CoveredAI detection, plagiarism, readability, OCR, Email/Chat support, Document Scan, PDF reports, Team Members (only for Advanced plan)Same as MonthlyAI Scan, Plagiarism Scan, Readability ScanAI Scan, Plagiarism Scan, Readability Scan and more
Additional FeaturesN/AN/A30 Day Scan History, File Upload, Shareable ReportsUnlimited Scan History, File Upload, API, Full Site Scans, etc.
Words Limit (Essential)Up to 80,000 Words ScanUp to 80,000 Words ScanN/AN/A
Words Limit (Advanced)Up to 200,000 Words ScanUp to 200,000 Words ScanN/AN/A
Words Limit (Elite)Up to 500,000 Words ScanUp to 500,000 Words ScanN/AN/A
DurationMonthlyAnnualOne-time with 2 years validityMonthly with 1 month validity

Just checked out Originality AI’s checkout, no discounts for bulk buys. See for yourself:

Originality AI checkout options

The Final Call

So, here we are at the crossroads. Winston AI or Originality AI? It’s no easy pick, not clear-cut by any stretch. In the price department, it’s a tie unless you’re playing the annual game. Quality-wise, both tools hold their ground. The only gripe with Winston? The lack of sub-lighting AI content. Originality.AI’s got that covered, and it’s super useful.

Your move, really. I’ve done my bit with rigorous tests, putting up a mirror to both contenders. I’ve compared prices, functionalities. Like I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I’m not here to pitch any tool but to present choices by laying bare their features. Sure, I’ve got a stake in affiliate marketing, but I play it straight, no cookie-cutter methods here. Will it be valued? Only time will tell.

Feature-wise, both tools are brimming, making a definite choice tricky. For instance, Originality AI lets you bring your team on board, super convenient, and I’m planning to do just that. Winston AI also has it, but the tool lacks the Chrome extension. but hey, it’s a young tool, still green compared to Originality AI, so keep an eye out.

And yes, a piece of advice to the developers — maybe consider uncoupling the plagiarism and readability fees. I run these checks through Grammarly. Bet a lot of folks do too. That way, the tool’s price would be slashed by half, and it’d come cheaper than Originality AI.

Both tools offer a clear view of your credit consumption. But, the count’s different. Originality AI counts per 100 words — one credit for 100 words, while Winston AI runs a one-to-one count: one word equals one credit.

That’s all folks, my two cents on these two remarkable tools. The ball’s in your court now!

Ready to try Winston AI?

About the Author

Meet Alex Kosch, your go-to buddy for all things AI! Join our friendly chats on discovering and mastering AI tools, while we navigate this fascinating tech world with laughter, relatable stories, and genuine insights. Welcome aboard!